Hot App Alert: GasBuddy

Gas Buddy - Find Local Gas Prices
You need gas soon... but the prices are so high! Wouldn't it be great if you could easily find the cheapest gas in your area or along your travel route? If this situation sounds familiar, I guarantee that you will love this app!

Hot App Alert: Key Ring Rewards Cards

Key Ring - No More Cards.
Grocery store cards. Club cards. Loyalty cards. Membership cards. Did you know that just four of these cards can add a 1/4" to the width of your wallet? It you're anything like me, you probably belong to at least 20 different membership and loyalty programs. Never need to go through a lengthy online process to retrieve your airline club number again. If any of this sounds familiar, I guarantee that you will love this app!

Hot App Alert: Glympse

Glympse - Share Your Where

Ever play the "How long until you get here?" game? Ever sit and wonder if your kids are almost home from school? Ever have a friend who is either habitually late or wishy-washy with plans and you don't want to wait for them before heading to the next spot? If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, I guarantee that you will love this app!

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